I am not my grades.
I am a good student. I know that I am smart enough, and I also work very hard on my homework. My high school and college grades were great. I thought I had succeeded: I work hard, have good grades, and am respectful to others.
The year after I graduated from college in 2018, I didn’t understand why I felt so anxious and worthless. My grades were so good; I was supposed to be living a successful, picture-perfect life! So I started going to therapy.
Now, I know that I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Yes, my grades are great, but college was an incredible struggle for me. I believed that Asian Americans shouldn’t feel anxious or suffer. I also didn’t know that I have ADHD. I thought homework was just a task that everyone suffered through immensely. I wanted to go to class on time, but every day, I’d be late. I thought peace was just an unattainable dream.
2021: I still go to therapy. I want to go to graduate school. I’m still scared of homework, but now I know:
I also need to be taken care of, to be respected, by myself.
Smart people, like me, can also need help.
Real, true peace exists.
2021: 我还在接受治疗。我想去读研究生。我依旧害怕功课,可是我现在知道: